Saturday, April 27, 2019

That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

William Shakespeare
می گویند در قدیم دزد سر گردنه هم معرفت داشت: روزی دزدی در مجلسی پر ازدحام با زیرکی کیسه ی سکه ی مردی غافل را می دزدد هنگامی که به خانه رسید کیسه را باز کرد دید در بالای سکه ها کاغذیست که بر آن نوشته است: خدایا به برکت این دعا سکه های مرا حفاظت بفرما اندکی اندیشه کرد سپس کیسه را به صاحبش باز گرداند دوستان دزدش او را سرزنش کردند که چرا این همه پول را از دست داد. دزدکیسه در پاسخ گفت: صاحب کیسه باور داشت که دعا دارایی او را نگهبان است. او بر این دعا به خدا اعتقاد نموده است من دزد دارایی او بودم نه دزد دین او اگر کیسه او را پس نمیدادم، باورش بر دعا و خدا سست می شد.آن گاه من دزد باورهای او هم بودم. واین دور از انصاف است! و این روزها عده ای هم دزد خزانه مردمند و هم دزد باورهایشان...! 👇👇👇
👆👆👆 They say in the old days, the highjackers had also their own civility: One day a thief in a crowded congregation shrewly steals the coin bag of a negligent man. When he arrives at home, he opens the bag and sees a slip of paper on top of the coins, on which it was written: 'O God, protect my coins for the bless of this prayer' He thinks a little, then returns the bag to its owner His thief friends blame him why he missed all that money. The thief of the bag answers: 'The owner of the bag believed that his prayer was his guardian. With this prayer he believes in God. I was the thief of his property, not the thief of his religion. If I had not returned him the bag, he would loose his trust in prayers and God. Then, I would be the thief of his beliefs. This is far from being fair! And these days there are but people who are the thieves of both treasurers and beliefs of the people ...!

Literary translations

Literary translation is a type of translation where the source documents are fiction. Specialists in literary translation, working for POLYGLOT, translate any kind of artistic works at a high level.

Translation of literary texts includes:

  • literary translation of books, articles, stories and other types of prose,
  • literary translation of poetry,
  • translation of advertising materials,
  • translation of other texts that requires a creative and flexible approach.

Translation of literature is fundamentally different from other categories. This is because the main principle of literary translation is the dominance of poetic communicative function. It means that in addition to rendering information to the reader, literary translation also has aesthetic functions. The artistic image created in the particular literary work ( be it the image of a character or nature) will certainly have an impact on the reader. For this reason the literary translator should take into account specific features of the text. It is the poetic focus of the text that makes this type of translation different from, say, texts of an informative type. When reading a story, poem or any other type of literary work translated from a foreign language, we perceive the text itself with its meaning, emotions and characters. It is quite a challenging task to achieve the main goal of the translation - creating a particular image for the reader. Therefore, literary translation might involve some deviations from the standard rules. A literal translation cannot reflect the depth and meaning of the literary work. A literary translator reproduces a non-literal rendition of the original text. It is all about how the translator perceives it. He/she rewrites the text from the beginning to the very end. This applies, for example, when an obvious expression is replaced by synonyms or the structure of sentences is changed.
Artistic translations play an important role in our translation agency because our approach to the source information allows us to provide the best quality of the rendered poetic text. Work is done by a concrete algorithm. The translator reads the text through, then allocates individual terms, divides the text into logical sections and translates these sections one by one. In addition, we pay great attention to the stylistic translation. The translated text is processed in several stages.
Literary translation requires a lot of skill. We should not forget that the translation of a book or a poem, perhaps, will be read by thousands of readers. This means that the text needs to be adequate and moreover - we need to focus on the fact that the translated document should create the same image as the original. Perfectly executed work often makes the translator famous. The guild of masters of literary translation determines the best translators of the year.
POLYGLOT translation company will take on any kind of literary translation, whether literary translation of songs, poetry or prose with great pleasure and inspiration. We do this not only to provide a good translation of the provided materials, but also to style it for the particular country where the translated material is to be published. For this purpose we cooperate with many linguists throughout the world, who are native speakers of the target languages.
My new translation is on its way to marketplace soon. Virtual Reality by Melanie Chan translated from English into Persian by Abdolmajid Jafari Saray. The book discusses the influence of mass media in the form of movies and literature on forming and reforming the reality for us. In fact the world we are living in is mainly and essentially built-up by our own mind based on the food it takes from the world around through education and experience coming from family, ideology, school and reading and watching fictions. It is in fact the same ficction that turns into gradually into factual reality we take for truth and tangible experience.

عنوان فارسی: واقعیت مجازی
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